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How to sleep better

How to sleep better

How to sleep better

How to sleep better. If you are tired of tossing and turning at night, there are a few ways to get the sand man to come to you quicker at night

Getting the best night’s sleep is important for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, and if you battle to fall asleep at night, you may be compromising your health and safety. Some of the issues that you might be faced with include-

  • Lack of daytime energy
  • Decreased productivity
  • Emotional imbalance
  • Weight gain

There are factors that keep us awake at night, and even into the early morning, that you take control of to ensure you fall asleep. And surprisingly, these factors can be addressed by looking at your daytime routines. Unhealthy or irregular daytime habits and routines are a big cause of you not being able to fall asleep properly. When these factors are not addressed it can affect your mood, brain and heart health, immune system, and all sorts of other negative scenarios.

Trying out some of the how to sleep better tips will help you get to grips with what is causing your restless evenings. Below are several tips that you can put into place to ensure you get to sleep without any problems. Not only will you get the right amount of quality sleep, but your quality of life may drastically improve. Let’s find out how to sleep better

1.How to stay in tune with your natural sleep cycle.

Staying in touch with your internal clock is of vital importance. Keeping to a regular bedtime will allow you to wake up refreshed and rejuvenated IF you stick to the hours. Sleeping for the same amount of hours at different times can be as bad as poor-quality sleep. Some tips that are recommended are the following.

  • Try to go to sleep at the same time every night
  • Avoid sleeping late, even if it is on weekends. This just confuses your system
  • Try avoiding napping, but if it is essential, try and keep your nap time to 20-30 minutes
  • Have a healthy breakfast. This helps kickstart your body for the day ahead.
  • Eliminate after dinner drowsiness. If you feel tired after eating, get some exercise, mental or physical, just to keep the body and mind in time with its clock.
  1. Try to manage your exposure to light

Your body produces more of the melatonin hormone when it is dark. Melatonin regulates your sleep cycle and makes you more alert when there is light and sleepy when it is dark.

Daytime light management

  • get yourself into bright, natural light when you wake up
  • Spend more time outdoors if possible.
  • Get as much light into your home or office

Night-time light management

  • Avoid your tablet, phone or TV 1-2 hours before bedtime. The brightness interferes with your melatonin levels
  • Try an audio book or listening to music
  • Make your room as dark as possible
  • Keep the lights off if you wake during the night
  1. Get some exercise

Being active will most certainly help you sleep better. Getting some activity in during the day reduces symptoms of insomnia and sleep apnoea. It also helps the blood flow better which helps with the hormone distribution while you sleep. This is especially important to get the melatonin flowing through your body.

  1. Watch your food and drink intake

If you follow a heart friendly diet, your sleep patterns will improve. Being that it is not specific foods but an overall diet that helps you sleep better, it is advised that you follow a regular, set healthy diet. Other things to consider are-

  • Cutting out carbs and sugars before bedtime
  • lowering your caffeine and nicotine intake
  • Avoiding large meals at night
  • Lowering liquid intake
  1. Wind down and relax

We often go to bed with the weight of the world on our shoulder. This is no good for a good night’s rest as we toss and turn keeping awake with worries and stress. It is a good idea to give yourself some time before bed to unwind by using relaxation techniques that will help you get into a relaxed state. Your daytime habits could also intrude into the night and aggravate the symptoms. Over stimulation brought on by social media surfing and too much time on work computers are a major contributor.

  1. Clean up your sleep environment.

We don’t mean sweep or vacuum your room before bed. Sleep hygiene refers to darkness levels, noise, warmth and comfort to name some aspects. Here are the recommendations for cleaning up your sleep environment.

  • Keep noise down
  • Maintain a comfortable temperature
  • Make sure your mattress is comfortable
  • Bedrooms are for sleeping. Try not to turn your room into a home cinema

So knowing what will help you sleep better will put you onto the right path in getting the good quality sleep that you need. 

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