Choosing a kids bedroom theme.
Choosing a theme for your kids’ bedroom can be a challenge. They can go through phases that change so quickly. One day they want to be a firefighter and the next day a lion tamer. So, their preferred theme will have to be one that will suit them for a long time. your children will probably go through several stages in their childhood and changing a theme every time will cost a packet. Picking a theme that is going to stay with them for a while is your best, and cheapest, option
In the bush theme
As South African, we love the outdoors. Children love the outdoors for many reasons and an outdoors them will most certainly last longer than a current superhero or princess theme. Children go through phases and interests very quickly but an outdoor them will keep them happy for a long time. Initially you can decorate with stuffed animals but can easily convert it later by adding some other items, such as some small fold away tents for a bush camp out for sleepovers.
Cosmos room theme
The is an easy theme to do and will give you the opportunity to add some cool and educational features. For infants and toddlers these can be great for keeping them occupied by adding glowing stars to the ceiling or adding a crib mobile that has hanging planets or stars. Some of the mobiles also shine stars onto the ceiling too. At later stages you can add models of the planets which will help them when learning about our solar system at school. There is also the bonus of the soothing element. Many children find it relaxing to stare at the stars and it will help them fall asleep easier.
Neutral theme
It may not be a theme as such, but a neutral bedroom has the potential to suit any phase that your child goes through. This helps in that it will just be a case of changing the decorations as they go through various stages of their development and interests. Neutral colour rooms are very popular today and are also considered to be the most relaxing. Bright lights and colours can make the mind a bit more active. This leads to trouble falling asleep.
Active kids’ room
Kids love playing and being busy. Why not consider and active kids’ theme? Kids have very active minds and bodies and need constant stimulation. The best way to do that is to create a space where they can exercise their imaginations and limbs. Use a chalkboard for the child who wants to be a teacher or a dollhouse for the little princesses. A rocking horse for the cowboy wannabe is also a great idea.
Beds for themes
There are a ton of beds available to suit any theme. From race car shapes beds to a princess four post type beds. Bunk beds are extremely popular with kids, and these also come in a range of shapes that you might find fits your child’s theme. There are many beds for sale that would suit so why not have a look around for the one that suits you and your child best