The secret to quality sleep seems too good to be true but it is very doable. It all starts with realizing the importance of quality sleep and the effect it has on you. Sleep has just as strong an impact on us as diet and exercise do. Quality sleep helps to decrease the risk of multiple diseases such as obesity and dementia. Overall sleep improves your mood and mental health just as much as it improves your physical health.
There are many sleep issues that people may face. Some of these sleep issues are very common and disrupt countless people’s lives such as insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and parasomnia. Insomnia is the most common disorder out of these few, but luckily the effects can be lessened by improving your quality of sleep.
1. The Science of Sleep
There are five stages of sleep that we all experience; wake/alert, N1, N2, N3, and REM. The first stage is self-explanatory as it is when we are awake but the other stages specifically stages one to three you may know as nonrapid eye movement stages. Stage 1(N1) is considered light sleep with each stage representing deeper sleep until stage 3(N3) which is the deepest sleep we reach before entering our REM sleep which is what we usually relate to dreaming. A sleep cycle usually lasts between an hour and a half to two hours.
2. Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment
Creating a comfortable and sleep-friendly environment is very important when it comes to improving your quality of sleep. You can do this by avoiding lighting in your room that emits blue light, which can decrease the production of melatonin.
Quality bedding can translate to quality sleep! Investing in bedding of good quality can do a lot to improve your sleep environment. Everyone has their preferences when it comes to bedding and pillows but also when it comes to temperature, lighting, and noise levels. Find out what you prefer when it comes to these areas, whether it is dim lighting and white noise or a warm and quiet room. The results of following these tips will surprise you with how effective they are!
3. Establishing a Bedtime Routine
Modern life is very busy and stressful so having a consistent bedtime routine is very important when it comes to improving your sleep quality, it can help to reduce issues caused by lack of sleep such as insomnia. It helps your body to understand when it is time to rest and when you should be awake as well as helping to boost your mental performance and mood.
A good way to start a consistent bedtime is to find out what is the best way for you to wind down. Many techniques are ensuring there is something that will work for everyone! You should practice putting your work day to bed before anything else as it can cause a lot of unwanted stress. It is good to be mindful of what you consume close to bedtime, things that contain a lot of sugar or caffeine should be avoided for example.
Some ways to relax before bed would include a nice warm shower or bath. Some people find relaxation in yoga and meditation while others prefer other screen-free activities such as journaling or reading. It’s all about finding what works for you!
4. Improving Sleep Hygiene
It is a good idea to limit your screen time before bed as electronic devices give off blue light, which lessens your body’s melatonin production. Even if you’re trying to unwind by using your phone or watching TV, this can keep you awake longer, The blue light comes from the fluorescent and LED screens common in most devices, making it harder for your body to get ready for sleep naturally.
Exercising throughout the day can help you wind down more easily at night by reducing excess energy and stress. This helps to promote relaxation, making it easier to get quality sleep. Regular exercise also helps establish a consistent sleep-wake routine, which is the key to minimizing sleep issues and improving sleep hygiene.
Even if you can’t fit in a full workout, even a little bit of daily activity can still make a big difference in improving your sleep.
It is important to prioritize your quality of sleep as it will help to improve your life at every corner! We have an important sleep cycle that our body has to experience every night and it’s our responsibility to ensure that we keep a consistent schedule to allow our body to properly experience these cycles fully and properly. You can only benefit from improving your quality of sleep! So I hope that this answers the question of what is the secret to quality sleep.